Jayne County is a trans-trendsetter, wonder woman, and punk rock superstar who fought her way to international fame, all the while receiving worldwide recognition for progressing LGBTQ rights.
An original New York City off-off-Broadway actress, the story goes, Jayne was performing in Andy Warhol’s Pork in 1971 when David Bowie first saw her. He poached her and the cast of Pork for his Ziggy Stardust Management Company, MainMan. When Jayne was with MainMan, she claims, her ideas were “stolen, whitewashed” and repacked as Bowie himself. Because of Jayne’s past connection to MainMan, her career was stalled.
Knowing she was barely legal because of her existence, Jayne threw her near-defeat aside and in 1974, remerged as a punk rock sensation. Her later band, the Electric Chairs, toured the world—future platinum-selling artist Sting and the Police were her backing band for her 1977 Holland tour.
Never one to limit her form of expression, in 2018, Jayne debuted a retrospective show of visual art in New York City. For over 50 years, she has persevered and more!
“Wonder Woman” Lyrics Excerpt by Jayne County, 1974.
I'm your oh sweet Jayne when I'm in pain. Priscilla with an evil twist.Polythene Pam when I need a slam.A lover with a passion-marked kiss....I'm your little red rooster in the morning. I'm your string of pearls at night. I'm your hey, hey moaner when I'm making love. Such a cutie when I'm looking for a fight. Who'll be the next in line for my loving? I'm your Aunt Jemima at breakfast. Well, I'm on the other side of the coin. I got a hunch that you want some lunch. Well, I've got gravy in my groin."
Pass the turkey, and get ready for seconds. Here is Jayne County!